The Evil Queen

The Evil Queen is a star in Once Upon a Time. She is the first villain aligned with the first Disney Princess, Snow White, and plays a leading role in the ABC show. The image of the Evil Queen lurking over the apple is iconic and dreadfully beautiful. Her identity is full of oxymorons because she tugs at your morals by showing that evil can be beautiful and desirable. 

I love this image, it’s so powerful.  I wanted to take a stab at studying the eyes and the shading and generate my own sketch. 


Look at the Stars

More experimenting with watercolors. My own interpretation of The Lion King, of Simba talking to Mufasa. This time I tried to be less hesitant and just go for it, dive in and put the brush to the paper. This too roughly 20 minutes from sketching through watercoloring. 

I am enjoying how watercolors can show texture and shadows in a different manner than sketching. 


Do you want to build a snowman? 

I decided to use a different media for this piece, watercolors. I started with a detailed sketch, then used a black pen to outline a few defining lines and the took a stab at watercoloring.

Much respect for those who watercolor, very tricky and time sensitive. And watercoloring can evoke expressions in a powerful manner differently than hand sketches. I’d like to continue experimenting!


Eve: Simple Complexity

To accompany my sketch of WALL – E, I did a drawing of Eve. Eve may look simple, but the composition of her form is extremely complex. To break it down literally, it could take five lines to make the five shapes that form Eve. But in composition, those lines make a proportional, round, floating and sleek figure.

First, I did a quick 1-2min sketch to lay out proportions. 

Second, I finished with 5-8min of layering details and tone

WALL-E : see Quick Sketches – megan carpenter